Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

Our 2021 Writing Prompt Challenges
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Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge
The Daily Prompt Challenge
Going to attempt the Daily challenge

While I have ended the plot in my Sims 3 stories, many of these entries will be using the characters and story found within those Sims 3 stories. Some may be cannon, others may be what if's.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 1

Word Prompt - New
Thomas did not expect to feel unnerved at waking to a quiet house. He had two older brothers, one of which has turned their imaginary friend real. Then there were their parents, their grandparents, their great-grandparents, and their great-great-grandparents. It wasn't the traditional family structure, but it also wasn't uncommon for vampire families to be multi-generational. When they weren't out killing each other or warring with werewolves.

So the quietness that came with living with just one other person was new. But his girlfriend Eva was in witness protection and he had gone in with her. There was no running from this new feeling. But Thomas had no plans to run. He'd take this new feeling over reading about Eva's death in the paper or on the news. He'd take it any day.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 2

Word Prompt - Young
Alistair sighed as he approached the door where his niece lived. Various things were running through his head. Would she even remember her biological family? She was young when she kidnapped in order to save her life. And either way, would she forgive him? Would she remember Sinbad?

"Getting cold feet?" Sinbad asked.

"No," Alistair growled, "Just nervous."

"Uh huh, I'll get things moving." Sinbad stepped forward in an attempt to ring the doorbell.

"I've got this." Alistair knocked on the door and hoped his niece was home.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 3

Dialogue Prompt - "Close the door."
"Close the door." Samantha said, "I know this is going to be hard for both of us without interruptions and my kids will make interruptions happen if the door is open."

Sinbad closed the door after both he and Alistair had come in.

"Don't worry about upsetting me or anything. I remember enough about the real reason I was adopted," Samantha said. She looked at Alistair and said, "You must be my cousin Alistair. You were the only other Mathiasen relative to survive the massacre. So who is this with you?"

"I do look much different than when we last saw each other," Sinbad stated, "I'm Sinbad."

Samantha blinked a few times. "Not placing you. I didn't have any friends who were older than me."

"We weren't friends. My imaginary friend turned into you. I'm the one who helped you get away. I'm helping Alistair here reconnect with you. We weren't sure how much you would remember."

With the ice broken between the three, they began the long process of catching up and sharing information they've learned over the years.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 4

Dialogue Prompt - "It's three in the morning."
"It's three in the morning. Why are you up?" Jolinar asked.

James startled. He wasn't yet used to his youngest being up 24/7. But that came with being an alien apparently. "Nightmare."

"Oh. Want to talk about it?" Jolinar was curious as to what would spook her general father. It didn't seem like anything scared him.

"You know I fought in the War Against the SUA, right?"


"That's all I want to say on the subject with you for now. You're too young. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to you about it before I die, if I live long enough. Otherwise, I'll leave instructions with a close friend who will outlive me to be able to give you the details. I've talked with him about the contents of my nightmares so he should be able to answer your questions."

"Alright." Jolinar then turned her attention back to her book, hoping her father lived long enough to give her the details himself.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 5

Word Prompt - Excited

That's the last thing James thought he would feel at the birth of Jolinar. He was a decent bit into his elder years. How was he, or Terena for that matter, supposed to have the energy to keep up a kid?

They did live with their eldest Adama, his wife, and their kids. But James couldn't justify just leaving Jolinar to Adama's care. That wouldn't be right. Nor did he want to give her up to her alien parents never to hear from her again. He didn't want to spend the rest of life wondering how Jolinar was doing. If that would even have been her name.

But James was excited. Excited to have a kid. It was like life was giving him a chance to experience the excitement without all the worries he had had when was having his previous kids. And James welcomed it and Jolinar with open arms. Even if he wouldn't get a chance to see her graduate from high school.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 6

Word Prompt - Worried
It was a matter of mental gymnastics at how Wolfgang was able to reconcile his knowledge that those who commit crimes should go to jail with his worry over his best friend whenever the Bridgeport Mafia was targeted by police.

Because his best friend was none other than Zachariah Smith, the leader of the Bridgeport Mafia.

It confused many of his work colleagues over how he could be worried over a mafia leader.

But how many mafia leaders do you know of who would risk their life to save someone? Especially when there was no benefit to be gained. Because Zachariah knew that any favors he was doing for Wolfgang and his family would not be reciprocated. He wasn't going to get special treatment just because he saved a life. It might reduce his sentence, but that would happen to any criminal who was shown to have a moral code.

He just wished that the SCIA would stop giving him the task of bringing him in. Wolfgang did his absolute best when trying to take him in, but you aren't a mafia leader of Zachariah's caliber by being easy to arrest. He just worried about what that would do to their friendship, even though both men knew that it would only be Wolfgang doing his job. But it can be hard to separate the emotional side from the logical side. And Wolfgang didn't want to lose a best friend.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 7

Random Prompt - He clenched his fist
Carth watched as Atton and Bailey argued again. He wasn't close enough to see what it was about, but it was enough to anger Carth.

This was supposed to be a celebration of Wolfgang's police academy celebration. But it wasn't feeling very celebratory with the arguing in the background.

He clinched his fist. He was frustrated at the pair of them. Moreso at Bailey. Yes, his brother had royally messed up, but she knew he had an altered view on things. She should have known that he wouldn't ever do anything malicious, especially to someone he loved.

But what was really frustrating him was that the kids were aware of the arguing. Wolfgang especially, having been the one to open the can of worms and not intentionally either and him being a teenager when that happened.

So Carth took a deep breath and attempted to draw attention away from the arguing couple.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 8

Word Prompt - Music
Music. It came naturally for Atton. Playing it. Writing it. Listening to it. It was the language that Atton was most fluent in.

The older Mission got and the more she studied science, the less her father's musical gift made sense. Her father did not have the normal perception of reality. He would miss obvious emotional signs and not respond with the emotion that people expected. Yet, he was amazing at making music that could capture the expected emotion. It perplexed Mission at that dichotomy. But then maybe, Atton just had a problem recognizing the emotion in others and therefore never learned to properly mimic the proper emotional response. And that also perplexed Mission. How could someone know how to evoke an emotion that they didn't know what it looked like properly?
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 9

Dialogue Prompt - "I've been waiting a long time."
"I've been waiting a long time." Mindy stated.

"And I've been busy with work. I've got a trial to prepare for." Obi Wan countered. "What did you want to talk about?"

"What if I was dying?"

"I assumed if it was that critical you would have called back immediately or mentioned that it was urgent in the messages. Or you know, you have Minerva and Albus' numbers. You could call them. They're our kids. We're divorced. You did nothing but make the last several years of our marriage and the divorce hell for me. The only care I have left for you is due to our kids and how they would feel if something happened to you. That's it."

"But I was wanting to get back together. I've got..."

"That ship sailed the moment you cheated on me repeatedly. For years. And then blamed it all on him. If he was being persistent at work with his advances, you should have gone to HR or found another job. This conversation is over." Obi Wan hung up the phone and went back to work on the trial preparations.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 10

Dialogue Prompt - "You're in love with her."
Elliott stepped outside on the porch after hunting for John Potter for some time. "There you are. Caroline was looking for you."

"I know." John said, motioning to his phone. "I just don't know what to do. I don't know what I want to do versus what I should do. It's just..."

"Complicated. You're in love with her." Elliott said, "But you know the guys coming after you would exploit that. Not to mention your son as well."

"Yea. I want to stay. Raise a family. But can I put her through that? Years of fear and constantly running? Or do I hurt her for her own safety?"

"If you leave, talk with her. Explain why you're leaving. If it makes any difference her aunt, my mother, had to go into witness protection before any of us were born. She'll understand needing to disappear for the safety of others and yourself. And if it makes things easier on you, you can leave your son with us if you decide to run."

"I don't know what to say." John said. "Thank you, I guess."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 11

One Word Prompt - Regret
Regret. It was something Obi was constantly asked if he had regarding his marriage to Mindy after he divorced her. At least by his work colleagues that he collaborated with enough.

He was always puzzled by it as well. They knew he had two kids by her. If he hadn't married her, he wouldn't have them. And he doesn't regret having them, nor will he ever. So how could he regret a decision that led to them being born? If he hadn't had kids, yea, he'd probably regret marrying Mindy. But he had two kids with her.

And it's not like his kids were something that he hid. He was constantly having to reschedule or end longer meetings short so that he could take care of his kids and not leave everything to his sister and her boyfriend.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 12

Dialogue Prompt - "We could get arrested for this."
"We could get arrested for this." George stated. "I didn't sign up to do anything illegal."

"But it's the only way they'll listen." Charles countered.

"Sometimes doing the right thing isn't the easy thing. It would be easy to do something illegal to get people to listen. But how many people will get hurt or killed? How many families will be torn in half by one of them getting thrown in jail for participating?

"It's what we're doing."

"Then count me out."

"But I could use your name for..."

"If all you want me for is my name and not my ideas and who I actually am, then I'm out of this organization. I didn't sign up to be some marketing tool to be used at your whim however you see fit. I signed up because your beliefs and I thought your morals aligned with mine. But I guess not. If you change your mind on how you want to do this, call me. Otherwise, call me once this is over and things have blown over. I don't want to be associated with this."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 13

Dialogue Prompt - "What are you thinking about?"
"What are you thinking about?" Thomas asked.

"What does my sister's wedding dress look like? What cake did she have? Did Wolfie walk her down the aisle or did Brett?" Eva said. "My sister's wedding was today. I was supposed to be the maid of honor. We had talked about our dream weddings while growing up. Pretended that we had a lottery that was large enough to fund our dream wedding and our dream honeymoon. And we would plan our weddings and honeymoons."

"So what you're saying is that unless we can make a lot of money, you're not going to be happy about our wedding?"

Eva laughed. "No, we knew the weddings and honeymoons we were planning were literal dream weddings. Reality never matches our dreams. Otherwise, I'd be wondering which version of the wedding dress did Olivia wear."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 14

Dialogue Prompt - "I thought you were dead."
Andria slapped Thomas. "I thought you were dead. When Ian told us you left a note and ran off, I initially believed him. But you wouldn't have gone without contact for so long. So I thought you were dead."

"Enough, Andria." Brice said tersely and put a hand on hher shoulder. "You didn't think he was dead. You're just angry that you got fired from you job. Again. For how should I put it, physical violence over something so small it barely warranted a petty argument between worst enemies. So you're looking for anyone to jump on. And it's not going to be our great-great-grandson."

"Love you, too, Grandmother." Thomas replied, "When's Samuel due home? I know he's not aware of the real reason I disappeared."

"He gets off around 5 pm usually. I'll send him a text to let him know to not stay late today. Let's go to the kitchen table and catch up on things. We can catch Samuel up later." Brice answered.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 15

Word Prompt - Letter
"Your father wrote you a letter. You will read it and you will write him back." Wolfgang told Eva.

"But I don't know him. He waited this long to write to us. He't not made much of an attempt to be a father." Eva countered.

"He's sent money regularly. He's constantly told me he doesn't know what to say you and your sister. I've told him countless times that you two didn't need anything complicated, but he still gets stuck on what to tell you guys."

"And what am I supposed to say to him? Why does he get years to write to us, but we have to write him back within a short period of time? Why can't I decide when to write him back?"

"Because it's rude to not reply back to someone within a reasonable time frame. And that's the end of this."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 16

Random Prompt - Mixed messages
John Zenteri didn't know what his wife really wanted with regards to kids. He was getting mixed messages from her.

She said she wanted kids. But any talk about how many or what names or how to raise them was met with indifference on her part. And if he brought that up, it would start an argument about how could he not believe her when she said she wanted kids? How could he not trust her?

John just wished he could get an honest answer out of her. While he would be hurt if she didn't want kids as he only would have agreed to marry someone who wanted kids, maybe they could come up with a compromise to give John what he wants without inconveniencing her too much.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 17

One Word Prompt - Paper
Lyse was working on the article for the paper that would expose the corruption in the government. It was risky. She had discussed things with her husband and they had come to agreement that despite the risks, it was the right thing to do.

Lyse had made contact with the contacts that she had with the various mafias and law enforcement that she could. She pulled favors and dropped names and family connections. Those connections were what she was counting on keeping the Bridgeport Mafia from retaliating. Because who would want to risk the Moonlight Falls Immortal Council coming down on them?
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 18

Dialogue Prompts - "Love is overrated."
"Love is overrated," Leia said, plopping herself down onto Mission's bed.

"No it's not," Mission countered, "What happened?"

"Jeffrey stood me up. According to the bartender, he had come to the bar earlier and had flirted with and left with another woman."

"Ah, so he did what Max had warned you about. That doesn't mean love is overrated. It means Jeffrey's an ass."

"But all it does is lead to heartbreak."

"Do you not remember how in love Grandma and Grandpa were? Yes, they had their problems. No healthy couple is without problems. A couple that doesn't fight over anything is a ticking time bomb until something small causes a huge argument due to pent up frustrations."

"I didn't come in here for a lecture. I came in here to vent and for you to agree with me."

"No you didn't. You know full well what my position is on love. So deep down you know I'm right. I have class. You can 'vent' to me later. Or not. Your choice."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 19

Random Prompt - In the mirror
Obi Wan looked at himself in the mirror. It had been a month since he got out of the hospital after the bombing. His facial wounds were healing nicely, though the doctors did say that he would have some nasty scarring from it.

They did say that they could set him up with a plastic surgeon if he really wanted to do so. They figure there might be some funds set aside for victims to use for medical expenses related to the bombings and they figure plastic surgery to fix major facial scarring would be something approved for a person in a career that could potentially be impacted by facial appearances.

But Obi Wan didn't think he would take them up on the offer. He had made a pretty big name for himself already and he hadn't denied family ties when other lawyers and clients asked about it. He didn't offer it without any prompt or question though. He wasn't the person who flaunted his family name everywhere in hopes for a leg up. He didn't think the scarring would affect him that much given his tenure in his job and his family connections that always tended to open more doors than it closed.
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