The White Legacy

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Re: The White Legacy

Post by SprinkleOfSugar »

PLEASE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS. I was writing what first came into my head and it is the biggest mess i have ever typed.
:applause: :pan: :celebration: KEIIIIKKKAAAA! You did it, you did it, you did it! I'm sorry for the late reply, but i shall read now.

And wooowww, that's one large chapter.
:O Not such a cheery start, eh? I was panicking that you would kill of Arie for a minute there but thank the sweet lord called Keika. She's alive.
Awh, Bal *-*
Keika, why did you have to kill off MOST of the town?! Was it fun?
Party at the Legacy estate!
I HAVE NO WORDS. DEZ, SUN!!!! I wish i could tackle hug you guys, but then is Bay dead? o.O That would be...
OH MY GOODNESS! ALL OF THEM!!! Keika you better not hit us with an emotional bat.
Awh, Jade and Sun in the background just made my heart melt ^-^
Who is the other one? June? o.O It would kind of make sense since she's seen pretty much every spare and heir/heiress, right?

Keika did you plan this from the very start? ;) I frgot how cute Zircon is OHH MY GOOODDD, IT MAKES SENCE NOW. ARC YOU INCREDIBLE EVIL GENIUS
This is too awesome for words Keika. But June officially has the worst timing, out of ALL the generations.
Argghhh, this is so messed up! Just like my chain of comments. Sorry about all of this.

I am so confused. Did Merry redeem herself? Am i wrong to feel sorry for Arc? And Seraphine finally met her father! ^-^ Cute!
Now onto the Epilogue! To be honest, i'm kind of hesitant to read it. I DON'T WANT IT TO END :(

Awh, that was so cute. When Bay started weeping it hit me hard. This legacy has been soo amazing. All the detailed plot lines, the humor and the overall feel of The White Legacy has been an incredible journey. Thanks for taking us along wih you on this incredible journey Keika :highfive:
Thanks for the Siggy Thai!
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by LibyLu »

Wow hard to believe it is all over. Im gonna miss those crazy Whites
I thought you did such a great job with the last chapter. I was so nervous and worried the entire time! (In a good way haha) The Epilogue also made me very happy, it was great to see the last generation become a teenager. I giggled when Wynn picked family, poor Bay haha. All the pictures of the luau made me smile, especially the ending. :)
I am so excited to see what you will create next, dont stop writing!
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Lorinsv »

Only now finished reading Generation 2, but I had to stop by and say your Legacy is THE BOMB! I love everything about it: the family, your characterization, their home (normally I'm not a fan of too much opulence, but for this family it's perfect),
the witchcraft. Oh, of course, White...
Merry is intense.
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »

You guys are so nice!! :hugs: Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments! I hope you don't mind if I do another bulk reply, since I have sort of a lot to say on the topics you guys brought up, and it'll be more cohesive put together in one reply than trying to spread it out in individual replies to everyone. :P But you guys are amazing!! Thank you SO MUCH for reading!!
These chapters have been a long time in coming, and I was SUPER excited to tape that luau! I tried to put a sunset into that last picture of Snow and Patrick, for the nice picture and the symbolism feels, but it just ended up looking dumb. So just imagine a sunset there. :P Still, that luau. One more trivia. I have a larger households mod which allows me to put 35 sims and 15 pets on a lot at the same time. I had to tweak it to allow more than 50 for it. My computer is such a trooper; it handled all those sims with very little lag and no crashes. And let me tell you how much fun it was getting everybody positioned and not just standing around in those pictures. :awesome: Also, I realized after I published the epilogue that I missed a plumbbob in one of the luau pictures--can you find it? ;)

Yes, Arc's reunion with Spar was rather disappointing, but I feel it was really the only way it could have gone down. By the time it happened, Arc had been going down the water slide of morals since midway through generation three. He'd killed a lot of people by then (*does the math* about 75% of my legacy), and was so set on his idea of revenge and justice that he was willing to go to any lengths to achieve it. Including doing to other people exactly what he was looking for revenge for. It really wasn't about Anne and Spar anymore; it was about him. Rejecting Spar and ordering him killed was the final thing that really drove him home as a villain. It would have been so much more frustrating, I think, if he had said, "Oh, look, Spar survived! I'm going to go off with him and be redeemed and become a good guy!" with no buildup towards any kind of redemptive act. And, it would have been a poor message, that someone who committed so many murders and crimes could get off on the "tortured soul" excuse and not meet any kind of punishment.

Speaking of that death, to be completely honest, I see Merry's redemptive act at the end as more motivated out of pure and simple revenge. She finally got a chance to take him down, since he and Seraphine hadn't been in the same room since Merry's death. However, the timing does give her some measure of redemption to it, although I would think she would be beating herself over the head later. "You mean I stopped him RIGHT AS HE WAS ABOUT TO SHOOT JUNE AND END THE LEGACY!?!?!? GAH!!!!"

And by the way, my personal favorite picture possibly in the entire legacy was the one of Arc and Merry cleaning at the luau, with Anne giving him the stink eye. I felt it was important to show that they had also gone there, but their eternal punishment is that they get to clean forever while everyone else is having fun. :neener:

Also what I felt was important to include was Perseus sitting in the sun, enjoying himself. He did some pretty nasty things in this miniverse, but really, it was done because of his addiction and then slide into insanity. He wasn't really accountable for 90% of his actions, and therefore it wasn't really fair to class him as a villain and put him as a janitor with Arc and Merry. I imagine that he's sitting still there because he feels awkward interacting with the family, but he'll loosen up and enjoy himself eventually. And in the meantime, he's sticking nearby Sun, who he still sees as his count.

I felt the vampires needed to be removed entirely from the picture if the family was going to have any sort of peace after the legacy was over. Plus, by this point they had done so much villainy, both against the legacy and behind the scenes, that they needed to meet some sort of punishment as well. Which is why I chose to have the aliens pick them up and drop them off on a Tatooine style planet. ;) I did have Vis mention that there was an extensive cave system on the planet, though, because I wanted to give them a chance to survive in the unwritten future--mostly because the loathe is pretty much made up out of your guys's characters, who I totally destroyed. I'm still sorry about that, by the way. :(

Quick trivia fact--when I had everyone in place in Peachtree Valley that could likely become a victim, I wrote all their names down on slips of paper, and then my sisters and I took turns drawing names to decide who was going to die. :haha: I ended up saving Neffy, and I switched Phoenix and one of her sisters so I had a closer Anne lookalike, but otherwise, everyone who died in Peachtree Valley had their name drawn. This is what you call the epitomy of sensitivity to sim lives, right here. ;)

Yep, it was Arie all along. I was very careful to make sure she was involved in almost every plotline, and always at convenient times just when she can save someone's life or help comfort someone. :yes: Poor Baltic, though, having to deal with all the nastiness even though he WASN'T the legacy guardian after all.

I'm really pleased with how Wynn turned out. She's a pretty pleasing combination of her parents, though admittedly she really heavily favors June. Her face shape, chin, etc. is all Bay, though. ^^ I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do after the legacy until Wynn rolled Family. My reaction was pretty much: :) Don't worry, I've got something up my sleeves. In fact, I've already started it and written nearly two chapters. It would probably be posted by now, except my rule of thumb is that I don't publish anything until I've written three chapters and proved to myself that I can be committed to it. I had one false start on a challenge that I have now entirely removed from the internet, and am pretty OCD on my sims stuff, so... yeah. You'll be seeing Wynn again, but give me a little longer before I start publishing. :yes:

Alright, I think that pretty much wraps up the highlights. Thank you so much everyone for reading and commenting all this time. Without you guys, I doubt this legacy would've reached the finish line. You've been so supportive and excited for me, and I am really grateful that you were willing to read this whole thing, bumps and scrapes and all. :) Thanks again, and I hope to see you again in the next adventure!
By the way, Michelle, the grim reaper you see in the luau is not the actual grim reaper. I used debug mode in CAS and then a custom skin and hairstyle from MTS to make him, and then I plopped him onto the lot and had him grill hot dogs. ^^
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Radiochocolate »

Excited too see what you've got in store for Wynn ;) Oh and btw, I'm going to see take Merry's revenge as kind of a redemption since she's one of my favorite characters. I mean, she does it trough her daughter, and she hasn't really been able to kill off her family members as much as Arc... So I'm going with "she still loves them y'know". But it's good that you left it open for interpretation.
Btw when are the Golden Plumbbobs held?
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Ani-Mei »

February or March if I remember correctly. I think the first one was about the same time as the Oscars which is usually March.
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Sam »

February or March if I remember correctly. I think the first one was about the same time as the Oscars which is usually March.
They haven't been held for a couple of years, though.
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Ani-Mei »

Never had the medals like we do now, I remember them from Boolprop 1.0 but not on 2.0. And all the mods vanishing for nearly a year probably didn't help either.
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by segedey »

I have been a lurker of boolprop for ages but never actually made an account. You finishing this has pushed me to it. I just have to say thank you!! I was so hooked once I started reading (probably back around gen 3 when I first discovered it). I I work a really boring office job and this was always my go to. However, the down fall was readinging the last chapter at work. I was in tears (thanks hormones) but it just goes to show what a great job at getting me attached to the characters you did. So thank you again! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Faye Silver » Keika! Good job!

I marathoned from start to finish in two days, but that just goes to show how great of a writer you are! Couldn't ask for a better or more poetic ending than what you have done! Cheers to giving the Whites the best ending ever! :drinks:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »


Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked it! :hug: Thank you for reading and for such a nice comment! I hope you didn't give yourself away, crying in the office! ;) You know, now that you're here, why don't you join us in the games forum? We'd love to see you around!

Thanks again! :awesome:

Faye Silver:

Thank you! I put a lot of thought and planning into the ending, and have been dying to film it for oh, I don't know, a year? Six months? Something like that. :haha: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks again! :awesome:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by apocalypticautumn »

Wowzas, the FEELS. :faint:

[spoiler]This ended with soooo many things I was not expecting!!!
D E A T H. Lots and lots of death for one. :guilty:
June marrying in was so awesome, I've loved the way you've written her character since this started!
ZOMBIE HORDE seriously when I read that I gulped out loud.
Feels were had, all the feels, feels party. Did I mention feels?[/spoiler]

Wonderful work! Really this is the best legacy I've ever read, hands downs, just total slow clap ending. :applause:
Autumn, Lv26 Magikarp✰
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Apocalyptic Sims :plumbob: Magikarp Wow
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »

Thanks so much, Autumn! This was such a kind comment! :hug:
Yeah... I went just a touch overboard in that department. In retrospect, I probably could have pulled off most of what I was going for without necessarily killing off so many character throughout the course of the story. Not sure how I would've managed the zombie army, but that's beside the point. ;)

June marrying in was a mandate from my sister WistfulRose. :haha: I was partially against it, until I researched June and figured out she was part of the Secret Society, and technically an NPC. ^^ I was so pleased to get her in!

Zombie hoard!! *evil fingers*

Thanks again, Autumn! I really appreciate the comment! :)
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by WistfulRose »

What do you mean mandate? Hmm... I guess I did push it didn't I... :awesome:
You have to admit that it's really ironic that the placeholder that's been ranting about the last 9 generations of legacyness ends up giving birth to gen 10, finishing the legacy. I just love it. And I love June, so it all works. I also love Arie, Vis, Snow, and Callie when she was a kid (But how did he know? *snicker*). Blizzard, too, though he's a Womrat, does he count? Also, I actually love Merry too. Oh tactless villian. :applause: There were a lot more characters that I enjoyed, like the one professor whats his name and photobombing butler. There's just too many awsome characters to name! Oh, and Par! How could I foget Par! Wasn't he the first sim you killed in the legacy? Oh, no, that honor goes to Arc's wife, I think. Or did Merry Kill Hattie first? I can't remember... Oh, oh, OH. Hattie was first! They had a witch meeting to discuss the oracle child that would soon be born in a weird spot because Hattie had the keys to the castle of darkness which were missing because Merry killed her. Oh wait, I think Arc was with her by then... So, Arc's wife and then Hattie, then Par. I can't decide if the wife or Hattie were first...

Or was the evil witch's name Hallie? Now I'm really confused... :faint:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »

Yes, Rosie, her name was Hattie, and she was the first one to get brutally murdered. ;) As you remember, it happened right after Merry failed to stop generation four (Dez's kids) from being born, and she killed Arc's wife Anne a couple chapters later to bring him in. ;) Thanks for the glowing comment, Rosie. :haha:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I linked to you, and to this story, on my blog, since I've learned so much from you.

Badass Alphabetocalypse (Complete!)
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Radiochocolate »

I just re-read Vis's Bachelor Challenge. The nostalgia *cries*

Hope you're doing great wherever you are and haven't given up on writing :hug:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »

Wherever I am: Japan. ;)

Great to hear from you. I had some free time with a miraculous internet connection (no internet in my apartment yet) and decided to check in on the sims community, and this was such a nice comment to come back to. Many hugs! :hug:

P.S. Ooh, shiny new smileys! :llama:
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by MichelleCYoung »

You're back! You're Back!!! YAAAAY!!!

OK, so I was worried that something awful happened to you. Are you and your sisters alright? Or have you just been disconnected, due to some terrible, internet-eating electro-monster?

I have to confess: I couldn't resist getting Vis into my neighborhood, but I couldn't play him as a bachelor without your permission, so he is my "tax man" for my queendom. He's there to hold the tax money (so I can keep track of how much I've earned in taxes, and when I can build the university), but not being played, but whenever he shows up as a visitor, I'll get to enjoy having him around, and I'll sure try to keep that lovable character in character. I hope that's OK with you. So far he's had no face-time, so I can remove him, if you want.
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Re: The White Legacy

Post by Keika »

Hi, Michelle. :) Yes, we're doing just fine. I left for a few months because of burnout, then moved to Japan for work and lost the internet. I still don't really have it, but I DO have a phone now, so I can participate in the community (with some difficulty) to some extent, but no updates yet (although I do have one halfway done now!). Rosie's just fine too, just busy.

Oh, go ahead and use Vis as much as your heart desires. I'm tickled pink that you like him so much to use him. Marry him off, make him drop character and join an evil vampire cult (*cough* still slightly guilty for doing that), I don't mind. Just have fun with him! ;)

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