Explain your simself's traits!

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Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Cororon »

I thought this could be fun. If you have a selfsim, explain why you chose the traits you gave him/her. :)

Great Kisser: This is a dumb trait, because it's practically meaningless. I chose this instead of "Flirty", when I realised that "Flirty" could harm relationships. I am flirty in a playful way, that's almost never romantic, like teasing, poking and other things to make people smile (or cringe :twisted: ) :tongue:

Coward: This reflects my Social Anxiety a bit. I love the expressions my sim make because of this trait. I've never had Bonehilda in my game because I think she's creepy, but a friend have her - plus my selfsim. Sim-me fled when she saw Bonehilda. :tongue:

Athletic: I've become a little lazy lately, but I used to jog a lot, and working out with dumbbells. But I will start doing that again this spr... summer! :yoyo:

Neat: I hate to tell sims to wash their hands and plates, so this trait is perfect! I wash my hands before I eat something with my hands, like sandwiches, and if the bread has oil in the dough and I can feel it on my fingers, I even wash my hands after eating them. :tongue:

Friendly: My Social Phobia doesn't make me asocial. I like people and I'm friendly by nature. :)
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Mauricette »

I dont have a sims 3 simself, but I have a 2 and 4 simself: My sims 4 has the clumsy, loner and-... i forget actually. creative, maybe.

Clumsy: I am so clumsy- it's hard to find a day in the week I dont have a bruise from walking into something or tripping over my own two feet.

Loner: If there are more than four or five people in a room I shut down. Makes holidays really hard.

Creative: Making dresses, knitting hats, painting or writing (or building houses in build mode), I'm always eager to hone my creative skills and jump into new creative activities.
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Gryffindork »

This is such a great idea for a thread! I always feel like I need to send an addendum with my simself because TS3 traits are so over-simplified. :P

Artistic: I was torn between this and "Bookworm" because my main craft is writing. But I also have a general urge to always be making something, whether's that's a story, a dress, a drawing, or a piece of music. If "Creative" were a trait in TS3, she'd definitely have that. But Artistic does the best job of covering my various artsy endeavours. Plus I like to think I have an eye for colour/symmetry/that sort of thing.

Cat Person: Cats are life. They own my soul. That's really all there is to it.

Neurotic: I guess this is the most personal of my traits in a way. I'll admit it stems from the fact that I'm not the most mentally collected person - I had severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a kid that has resurged a few times in my adult years. I'm still iffy on this trait because EA's depiction of OCD is so skin-deep and stereotypey, but it accounts for my other nervous quirks like cracking my fingers, pulling on my hair, and freaking out over little irrational things.

Perfectionist: Just to emphasize that my perfectionism is NOT the same as my OCD. ;) You know when you're working on a group project and that one member takes over and does everything because they don't trust anyone else to do it right? ...That's me, sadly. If I start working on something, I get tunnel vision and blow the task way out of proportion until I'm putting in way more effort than necessary. I always have an idea of how I want things to turn out, and if the result doesn't match up, I just can't live with myself. At the same time, I'm a very all-or-nothing person. If I realize that I won't have the time/energy to give it my all, it either doesn't get done or gets thrown together without any thought. Unlike most perfectionists, I'm okay with (sometimes) living in a mess, but that's because I'm oblivious to the carnage I'm creating when I'm caught up in my projects.

Socially Awkward: I may have learned to laugh at my awkwardness, but that doesn't mean I've overcome it. :P Every day I walk away from at least one interaction smacking myself in the head. I'm the kind of person who answers "Thanks" when you ask me how my day is going. :P At least I'm getting better at smooth exits...

Athletic (Extra): I subbed this for Socially Awkward on the most recent version of my simself. (I would also use it as a sixth trait considering I have a university degree IRL.) I was a competitive figure skater for 14 years, and now I pour my heart and soul into quidditch. Plus I'm always running and jumping around and dancing and doing casual handstands against my living room wall. (Come to think of it, maybe Socially Awkward would have been better...)
Last edited by Gryffindork on April 16th, 2016, 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Ani-Mei »

I guess...

Flirty: I have been known to be a bit flirty but it takes me a while to get to that step if I just met the guy. Gotta be comfortable enough with him first.

Green Thumb: I like to garden, though I don't have one of my own where I am now. Also my simself is a fairy and that trait just works with the Bloom action.

Adventurous: I have traveled before, to Hawaii and Japan and I want to travel some more. But you know no money kinda makes that hard... :sigh:

Gatherer: I collect things, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Pixar movies, I even have a small collection of gemstones.

Artistic: I write and draw, and I have made myself pajamas before which I have long since lost. I made it in grade 10 so it won't fit me now even if I still had them.
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by DSLady »

Oooh, I really like this idea! I've been thinking about how to answer this for about the last two hours while I was driving home from my sisters :P My simself has had so many different traits, but these are the ones she has now.

Neurotic - I get stressed very quickly, which is part of the trait description. I have mild anxiety (until it flares up, then it can be incapacitating) and the neurotic trait seems to be the best fit to incorporate this. While the trait itself is more about checking appliances and cleaning things, it still seems appropriate for somebody who has a 'safety hoodie', is known to suck/bite their thumb (baby habit that's never entirely left) when very stressed, and plays with their hair as a comfort thing when speaking to people. Plus others.

Bookworm - This was by far the easiest one. Ever since I was little I have adored books. The smell, the feel, the way they can change your life, the fact that you can just disappear into a completely different world for a while... I marvel at people like Tolkien or Rowling who have created an entirely new world and captured so many people... books blow my mind and I love them. Libraries and bookstores just radiate calmness, and I am drawn to every single one. Unless I really don't want to spend money! Also, being a writer trying to work on my book, I felt that it was most fitting because it gives the in game writing bonus and her LTW used to be the Author one, until I changed it for kicks.

Socially Awkward - Well, with social anxiety and being on the autistic spectrum it isn't at all surprising that I am (like the trait description) prone to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and very much do get a 'foot in mouth' feeling afterwards!

Rebellious - I debated about this one, but it's a fun trait! I also have a tendency to go off of something once I've been asked to do it. Anything I'm looking forward to doing is instantly ruined by somebody who says 'okay, do that now'. I guess it's a stubbornness thing, but there's no stubborn trait so rebellious it is! One of my favourite stories about this kind of thinking is back from my GSCE year, when the teachers were going around and telling everyone their predicted grades and whether they thought we could achieve them/less/more. My predicted grade for most things was a B, and my maths teacher was the only one that didn't say I could get an A and said I could realistically get a B. So I got an A.

Virtuoso - I live and breathe music. I've been playing piano for about 13/14 years, and even when I don't play for months I can usually remember pieces I've taught myself if I try hard enough. I took lessons until I was about 11 and did do grade one when I was maybe 10, but I quit after changing schools and teachers and became self taught. I pick things up reasonably quickly, and piano always feels like home. I'm the person who closes their eyes halfway through a performance, sways as they play, and to quote my friend - 'you almost breathe with the notes!'. Listening to music is a great way to boost my mood, whether that's really happy, calming, or something sad as a way to express feelings. I'm also a singer, however I really don't get to do as much singing as I would like any more!

I probably wrote more than entirely necessary, but the trait descriptions in TS3 don't do them justice. And my traits are my passions, I could talk about them for hours!

EDIT: Now I feel really awkward because in the time it took me to write this people have posted their and most of them have a few short sentences, and I wrote mini essays... Oops? :oops:
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Cororon »

This is so fun and interesting to read! :D Keep 'em coming!
DSLady wrote:EDIT: Now I feel really awkward because in the time it took me to write this people have posted their and most of them have a few short sentences, and I wrote mini essays... Oops? :oops:
Don't feel awkward! It was very interesting, and I may edit mine and write some more! :D
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by KatieCat »

This is so much fun! I love reading everyone's!! :D

Hopeless Romantic: What can I say? I love to be in a relationship, be around relationships, and watch relationships. I think there is nothing more amazing in this world than the fact that everyone has a person that they will love enough to spend their life with.

Shy: As much as I love interacting with people, it takes me quite a long time before I feel 100% comfortable around them.

Perfectionist: Having this trait is almost annoying! I can't finish anything unless it is done as perfect as can be.

Workaholic: I was between this one and ambitious. My perfectionism really shows in my work, as I strive to be the best I can. While, like everyone, I love my time at home to relax, I can't do nothing beneficial for too long. Or maybe I just can't wait to become a theatre teacher, combining two of my favorite things on earth!

Neat: I don't think I'm a "neat freak" so to say, but I do prefer well made up rooms, and even people. I chose this more so because I am always cognizant of how I look to people. I don't like looking like a slob to others, and hardly ever wear sweat pants. (Leggings is another story :P )
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by somebodysangel »

Love this idea, has been so much fun reading everyone's explanations!

Bookworm: The first and easiest choice for me; if you ask anyone who knows me IRL what I like, they will tell you 'reading' as one of the top 3. My bookshelves are loaded two deep with books on top, because I have so many - in my family my room is known as 'the library'. When I was little, my mother even had to implement a "no reading while crossing the road" rule!

Loner: Another easy one; I'm the girl who has no issues being home alone all Easter weekend. I'm the textbook description of an 'introvert', and struggle when forced into social situations too often. For me, being alone in a busy shopping centre is more than enough socialisation for my liking.

Shy: See Loner above; I'm not great in social situations, especially with people I don't know. Struggle to make friends, especially face-to-face.

Family Oriented: This goes hand-in-hand with Loner; I'm not good at making friends, so much of my socialisation is with my family. Which is good, because I love them! And I love kids, can't wait to have my own... now if only I could overcome the introversion long enough to meet someone...

Genius: I'm a very logical thinker, and don't do well with abstract reasoning or ambiguity. And pretty smart, if I do say so myself 8-)

(Bonus) Night Owl: I prefer to stay up late (at home, not clubbing!) rather than get up early.
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Emily Whalers »

Oooh, fun!

Avant Garde: (bonus?) Okay, so I don't have University Life, but as soon as I read the description of this trait I knew I had to ask others with the EP to add it to my Simself in place of one of her other traits. I majored in Film in university, and I can easily critique pretty much any film or TV show thrown my way. I also love obscure films, TV, and music, and I definitely condescend the mainstream a bit. I don't always accuse other people of being sellouts, but I'm boycotting a large former craft brewer for selling out to large macro brewers, so...yeah. Basically, I can sometimes be a jerk who critiques everything.

Absent-Minded: I always forget to do things or forget what I was supposed to be doing or forget what I was doing when I'm in the middle of something.

Good Sense of Humour: I think I'm funny? My boyfriend thinks I am, but we're both weirdos, so who knows. I love good comedy, none of that laugh track Big Bang crap (see, Avant Garde coming out!), I love laughing, and I love making other people laugh.

Perfectionist: I never think I'm good enough. Everything has to be just perfect, otherwise everyone will hate me and throw me into a volcano or something. I'm terrified of making mistakes and ruining my life because of said mistakes. It can also take me longer to do certain things because of this fear of everything not being perfect (*cough*my MA*cough*), so Perfectionist lines up well with me.

Overemotional: I feel everything a lot. I cry a lot, I laugh a lot, I'm angry a lot. I can sometimes be mellow, but it comes and goes.

Clumsy: I drop things, and I spill things. I've accidentally thrown pens at coworkers because it just gets away from me. I once accidentally threw a plate of spaghetti all over my boyfriend's khakis. I spilled coffee all over my PJs this morning, and I'm still not sure how that happened. I also trip over my own feet a lot, and I walk into things and wind up with mystery bruises I can't explain.
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by Cororon »

Haha, I wish we had a trait opposite to the Absent-Minded one. I'm not easily distracted, and I never forget to finish what
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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by skyegal23 »

Bookworm- I love to read
Clumsy-I am always bumping into things or tripping over or dropping things
Absent minded -I regurgrly forget what I am doing or put objects down then forget where I put them
Heavy sleeper - I sleep through everything fireworks thunder and once a car crashed into a lamppost opposite my window and I slept through that
Nurturing cos I work with kids and love it

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Re: Explain your simself's traits!

Post by KatLovesPotatoes »


Bookworm - I LOVE reading. Especially other people’s sims legacies and isbis.
Shy - I am horrible at conversation and keeping eye-contact, plus I don’t have many friends.
Insane - I’m a bit on the crazy side, and I do talk to myself sometimes. XD
Family-Oriented - I would say I’m close with my grandparents and cousins, plus I love them.
Computer-Whiz - I play many games on the computer, and I spend a lot of time on the computer playing Sims.
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