14th Birthday ... Birthday Drabble

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14th Birthday ... Birthday Drabble

Post by itsjulie »





A drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length.
The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space.

So are you up for the test??


Inside the spoiler are six pictures.
Each one of the pictures tells a story ... well it will when you have told it!!

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Choose one of the pictures above, and compose your 100 word drabble for it.
100 words ... no more, no less or it doesn't count!!!
post the picture with your drabble, and you can do more than one!!

Not inspired by any of those pictures?!
Then you are welcome to bring along your own pictures to use.


For every drabble you complete .... a Pulper star
complete 4 ... a winners choice medal.

Currently all on hiatus
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Re: 14th Birthday ... Birthday Drabble

Post by 108sims »

I couldn’t wait to be a teenager. I’d been looking forward to my birthday for so long. I’d have so much more freedom. I could drive, go on dates, have my own cellphone, the list is endless. I didn’t need a big party, but my family insisted on throwing one. It was a little annoying as they cheered and rang their party instruments. I could put up with all that though. I didn’t even care that it was my twin’s birthday as well. I was used to sharing a birthday. Today was my special day no matter what was happening.

Today was my birthday. I would become a teenager, no more carefree days as a child anymore. I know my twin sister couldn’t wait for our birthday. To her becoming a teenager meant more freedom. To me, it meant more responsibility. We were both vampires, and I don’t think she understood the gravity of the situation. Now that we were teenagers we would fully grow into our powers. We’d have to make sure we didn’t lose control and used our powers responsibly. I let her blow out the candles first because I wasn’t ready to give up being a child.

I was walking out of the store when the realization hit me. I had missed my best friend’s birthday! We’d been friends since we were in diapers. She was probably so furious with me! How would I make it up to her? How could I explain missing her birthday? I was busy seemed like a stupid excuse. I didn’t really have an excuse, other than being ridiculously forgetful. But really brain? You let me forget her birthday? Maybe I could take her clubbing, that would be fun. Now to call her. I bit my lip nervously as the phone rang.

Today was a birthday of a different kind. I had just given birth to an adorable set of twins, a little boy and a little girl. I couldn’t wait to share my good news with the world! All of my immediate family had been at the hospital with me of course and had given my husband and me congratulations and well wishes. Not everyone was so happy. My older, and previously only, son didn’t seem to be too thrilled to have siblings now. I knew he’d love them in time. Now to call my friends and share the happy news.

Here I was celebrating my birthday all alone at a bar. My family lived out of state, and my best friend had completely forgotten it was birthday to begin with. I might need to rethink that best friend status. I wasn’t going to call or text her or post anything on social media about my birthday. I felt like that would just be a pathetic grab for attention. No, if no one was going to celebrate with me, then I’d just have a pity party instead. I don’t know why it even mattered to me, but deep down it did.

I didn’t realize how much harder twins would be to take care of! I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Once we got one twin asleep, the other would cry waking them up. My daughter seemed to be the fussiest. We’d rock her, sign to her, feed her, try driving her around, nothing. She did not want to sleep. My son was a lot more easygoing, but it was hard to get him to stay asleep with his sister crying. I couldn’t be the only one with these problems. Time to check some parenting forums online for some tips.
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Re: 14th Birthday ... Birthday Drabble

Post by peachy123uk »

Here are my drabbles:
Picture 1
Look who said birthdays are fun, they are just an excuse for parents to say to other people look how well my child is doing, and get their friends spend money on me that they don't have or try to compete who has got the best present. I also have to share with twin brother that's more expense for everybody. I don't like birthday's means your getting older and that means getting nearer to being an adult, have to pay BILLs. And mom is pregnant again, shouldn't the money be spent on the baby. I do not like the attention.

Picture 2
Oh I have had a birthday, I loves birthdays I am not like my twin, I love the attention, I love the presents, i am now a teenager, that means many things can happen, allowed to go out and about on my own. I can now date, boys or girls not sure which way i want to go or i could go date both and find my own path, or not even date at all, soon I will be able to learn how to drive, get a job if i want to, earn my own money, I am a teenager.

Picture 3
Oh my god what is happening to me, i am having the worst day ever, i had a phone call to say that i am fired from my job, i haven't been there much i was concentrating on my love life and now that is down the pan too. I got dumped by a text. I also got a call from sister to tell me our parents have had accident a car accident, and not sure if they are going to make it or not. And now i have pains in my chest too. I will call myself an ambulance.

Picture 4
Yeah I just got out from the hospital, the baby is going to be fine, he has his first bottle. Yeah I know he was premature, and he had to have tubes put into him. It was very scary. He is a fighter like his dad (god rest his soul). As soon as he we know when he is coming out of the hospital we will let you know. After we got hit by the car by the elderly couple I thought we lost the baby for good, but sadly the driver's side got the full brunt of the hit.

Picture 5
Look at the bartender shaking that cocktail, so handsome with red check flannel shirt got he must be so hot in that. His skinny black jeans, I wonder if he is wearing boxers. I love a man who has a full head of thick hair were you can run your hands through it. I also hope he has a full chest hair to so you can play with it.He looks hot, look at his dreamy face and eyes. I bet he isn't to men though maybe he is pouring that drink for her. I will have a pint of beer.

Picture 6
Why do i blog my sims, it take bloody ages, then have to post it to boolprop.net nobody ever really reads though or do they? I love going on to boolprop.net they sometime have some really good events going. They tell me boolprop is 14 years old. So they having like arcade games like a 14 year old boy. For some reason my computer won't let me play some of them. Oh well. You also have to write things called a Drabble (what's that) never heard of until Halloween . Give pictures and you make up a story (100 line story)





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