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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Nevermore »

Another sim tarot please. ^^


His name is Guillaume Vinteuil. Everyone calls him Gill these days, not that he minds. His traits are slob, flirty, daredevil, party animal and virtuoso. Young adult. A french bass player who moved to Sunset Valley for the opportunities and the quiet life away from the stage. On his first day in town, he met the woman of his dreams, who is everything he has ever wanted in a life partner... only to find she is completely asexual, aromantic, and never even considered him as anything more than a best friend. Her sister has on more than one occasion made it clear she is into him, but he has shown no interest in her nor would he risk ruining what he has with his best friend for a hook up with her sister.

LTW is to be a rock star, and his job is music to reflect that. He does however want to start a band and make a career of it.

1. His love life looks like a non-physical life in the friend zone. What do the cards say for his future relationships?
2. He came to Sunset Valley for success in his career and find fortune doing what he loves. Will the fates be kind to him in that aspect?
3. Is happiness on the cards for him the way his life is now?

[mod="Livvielove"]Hello Guillaume! A strong name, and upon reading more about him I can see it suits him. Let's dive into these questions!
1. It is a sad thing to be in a one-sided love affair. Thankfully, the future is entirely in Gill's hands. I see that Gill has created a very strong bond with his best friend and that's something good he can always keep. Dreams are not stagnate states, and Gill will realize this in his future. Dreams can and will change - as that is just a normal part of life. I see someone bright in his future, should he embrace the understanding of the ever-changing dream.
2. The short answer: yes, depending on how you define "success" and "fortune." The longer answer: success is much like the aforementioned "dream" concept I brought forward. Gill, from my perception, longs to hold tight to temporary things as permanent states, and that may hurt him in the long run. If he does not lose this mentality, he may end up feeling like a complete failure in regards to this question. Much like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," successful is in the eye of the content.
3. Should he change nothing at all? I do not see a pleasant future... but I wouldn't see a pleasant future for anyone if things stayed exactly as they were in one moment. Things are constantly changing, and as Gill grows and changes - and maybe learns to let go of the temporary, fleeting things in life that he wants to hold stagnate - he will have many opportunities to find his own happiness - be it in someone else, but more importantly, within himself.
I wish him luck with his best friend, and I hope that my insights give him something to ponder, or at the very least, amuse him.[/mod]

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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by peachy123uk »

Can I have a tarot reading please

here is my two tickets

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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by ciyrose »

Today a Sims Fortune Telling if I may

This is Falkor Dai and he just turned into a teen a few days ago. He is a family sim that wants to reach a golden anniversary. He is a Cancer who likes black hair and unemployment but doesn't want them to be a robot. Falkor has had a rough childhood as his mom is a romance sim who got pregnant by the town's Cassanova (Denis Marzena.) He always saw his mom on dates with other men and it has been hard on him. His mom, however, has suddenly started throwing wishes to settle down with someone.

1. He is very traditional, wanting a partner who will stay home with kids, will he ever find someone who will meet this goal of his, or will he have to get used to the idea of them working?
2. Will he be accepting of a life where his mom and dad are never actually together as a couple?
3. He has a half-brother in the neighborhood, and they are a handful of years apart (he just left for uni.) Should he reach out and try to connect with this half-brother?

[mod="Livvielove"]Hello Falkor! I'm quite enamored with your name; and as a fellow Cancer, I relate to you already! Let's do this fortune reading!
1. I have a firm belief that there's someone out there for everyone. For every Falkor who desires a partner who will stay home there's a person that wants to stay home while their partner does the breadwinning. I have no doubt there is someone out there like that, but whether or not Falkor will meet them AND be interested in them might be a problem for his romantic future. I think it's a good idea for Falkor to open up his mind to someone who might desire to work if only because that will open the pool of dating much more for him. If he meets someone who wouldn't mind being tended to - great! But it's better to be prepared for the high chance that the person he meets to have aspirations beyond being someone who desires to stay home. There is always compromise, though. Maybe staying home with the kids is a temporary arrangement. Point is, Falkor could benefit from flexibility in his life - we ALL could.
2. Acceptance is a difficult emotional state to reach, there are futures where he's reached forms of acceptance, but does one ever truly accept something when they still feel there was a possibility for something else? In the same line of thinking: acceptance comes in many forms and while he may not take the most obvious or "usual" ones, I do think that acceptance is a strong probability in his future.
3. I feel this would be a fantastic way for Falkor to connect with his family, and it may help him in coping with both question one and two you've asked for him. I would strongly encourage the attempt at creating a bond with a family member who might feel similarly to him. On the one hand it might help him reach acceptance, and on the other it might just be nice to have someone to connect with and offer wisdom to. You say he's a Family Sim which means he's very invested into his family... maybe that family is meant to include his half-brother! Do keep in mind though, that a personality conflict may arise, and it's ok if he doesn't wish to pursue it further after that. All my bets say that this could be a potentially very meaningful relationship for him, and I encourage others to try something new![/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by onedayrobots »

This is such a fun idea! I'll have to think more about some of the offerings on hand. For now, can I get a bit of wisdom, please?

[mod="Livvielove"]Some seek to wash themselves clean, I recommend soap, water, and a removal of clothes first.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Blamsart »

Hahahaha these are hilarious, can I have another WISDOM

[mod="Livvielove"]You should always try new things, except for when they're bad things, then you probably shouldn't try new things.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by katrisims »

Wisdom is always good to have, so I'd like to have a little bit please!

[mod="Livvielove"]3, as a number, generally comes after 2 and before 4. One would be wise not to skip it when counting to 3.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Livvielove »

:celebration: :celebration: :highfive: :alien:
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Nevermore »

Sim tarot please. :bounce:


Shane Snowe. Child, but more mature than his immediate family put together times two. Traits; Perceptive, Eccentric, Couch Potato. Parents; Tiff Snowe and Nigel Fenton. Shane, even though he is young (only 12), he is already a very big fish in a small pond. Never short of a friend or eight. In his family, he is literally the only sane man that sees things with logic and reason. Chances are when he does something, he has already thought out every single possibility that could happen. Not being a Snowe by blood, he feels like he as a point to prove, or a legend to live up to be worthy of the name, when that theory is all in his head. As a result, he has a long term ambition to collect as many skills as he possibly can. His intelligence is not the only thing that makes him feel like an outsider in his own family, it is that he believes in all things supernatural and paranormal, only his Aunt Bailey seems to agree with him on that.

His lifetime wish is already locked in as Descendant of Da Vinci, For career possibilities, undecided, but hey, Shane could probably rule the world. Future traits might be Charismatic and Ambitious. The latter is interchangeable at this point, since I don't know how teendom will turn out for him.

1. His parents as much as they try to understand, they don't. Will he ever find some sort of understanding with them?
2. When Shane dreams, he goes big. Will his extremely high ambitions pay off or set a standard even he can't live up to?
3. As mature as he is, he still has the naivety of youth. Is he creating more problems for himself than necessary by not facing his issues head on?

[mod="Livvielove"]Apologies for the delay, I've been away for my anniversary! Pleasure to meet you, darling Shane! I apologize to you as well for my delay! Let's take a look in my orb of futureness:
1. Understanding, thankfully, comes in several different packages - and it always is a dance that takes at least two before you'll see any progress. If they are all making an effort to understand, then some form of understanding will take place. What that understanding looks like though is hard to define and it might require an open mind to pursue.
2. It always pays to dream big. Dream for the moon, Shane, for even if you miss you'll still be amongst the stars. Those who dream big have a longer way to fall, indeed, but so long as he's fair to himself and to those in his life about his expectations, there is nothing wrong with a little - or a lot of dreaming.
3. Everyone faces their issues in their own way - so while not every issue can be solved by avoiding head on confrontation, that doesn't mean he needs to swap to doing that and only that for confronting his issues. He's likely to make many mistakes in his life - this is unavoidable, the important thing is that he learns from them and grows. So he takes an issue on, head-on and gets burned? That's fine, he'll learn from it. So he avoids an issue head on and gets burned from it? That's also fine, he'll learn from that too. There's no one clear-cut method to problem solving. The important thing is he continues growing and learning. For once he stops doing that... that's when things should be really concerning.[/mod]

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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Tox »

Image I want a little wisdom from a carrot reading of yours, please.

[mod="Livvielove"]They say carrots help your eyesight, but I do not recommend putting them in your eyes.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Jenn »

Sim Fortune Telling

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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Livvielove »

Apologies all, I should get to these tomorrow or the day after... it's my Anniversary weekend with my husband, so I'm a bit more sparse!
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Blamsart »

Have fun Livvie!

I'll take a bit of wisdom when you have time :D

[mod="Livvielove"]When life gives you lemons... you should probably see someone, because you're having hallucinations of the embodiment of "life."[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by ciyrose »

Hmm...when you back, and hope you enjoyed your anniversary weekend :thup:, I would love, :hmm:, a little wisdom!

[mod="Livvielove"]Despite what any song tells you, darkness cannot - and will not - ever possess the qualities required for friendship, let alone aging.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Livvielove »

Alright, I should be caught up to here! Sorry that took so long. I'm juggling quite a few things but we'll get through this! Thanks for your patience!
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Blamsart »

I'm addicted to this wisdow thank you
Would like another life motto please

[mod="Livvielove"]They say it's important to push the limits in life, I recommend deodorant first... (you'll thank me later, as will everyone in a 20 foot radius around you).[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by katrisims »

I'll queue up for another bit of wisdom too, please. :) I hope you had a nice weekend! :party:

[mod="Livvielove"]Time heals all wounds, including newtism, apparently.[/mod]

[mod="Livvielove"]Merci! I did! It was a fantastic weekend. Thank you for asking :heart:[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Teresa »

It is time for another match request. Joanne and Zane hit it off and have had a successful marriage. Their daughter, Rosa, is now looking for the perfect spouse.

About Rosa:
Rosa is currently a teen, but she is looking for someone that is a young adult. Rosa is Neat and a Loner. She also has several traits from her good childhood: Scouting Aptitude, Mentally Gifted, and Top-Notch Toddler. She expects to earn the Responsible and Good Manners traits when she has her birthday. Her aspiration is Fabulously Wealthy, which gives her the Business Savvy trait. Her target skills will be either Mischief and Programming or Logic and Charisma.

She is leaning towards the criminal path but her decision will be made when she rolls the last trait on her birthday - if she rolls Good or Self-Assured she will take the Law Enforcement path, any other trait and she will take the Criminal path. Her third trait will either be Evil or Self-Assured once she makes the decision about her path. (she rolled self-assured so she will be taking the law path)

While she doesn't have any strong preferences for what her spouse should look like, she thinks it will be best if he is working on one of the Food aspirations as he will enter the Culinary career to become either a Chef or a Mixologist.
Rosa's picture:
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by katrisims »

I'd like anonther little piece of wisdom, please. :)

[mod="Livvielove"]They say you should go with the flow, but in general the flow of water pulls you out to open ocean, which is where you would assuredly drown. Let's not do that.[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Blamsart »

I would desire some wisdom PLEASE

[mod="Livvielove"]De temps en temps, je parle francais, mais je ne le parle pas trop bien. Je vais devenir chêvre au moment où je peux. Pourquoi pas?[/mod]
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Re: Summer Fete ... (Game Stall) ... Tarot Card Reading

Post by Jesslb429 »

I would like my sim's fortune told, please!


This is Lucina Smart. She's currently a teen and she's set to be the heiress of my name game challenge(I haven't posted it yet because I'm trying to post generation by generation).
Currently she's a teen. She's a cheerful goofball with the bodybuilder aspiration.

My questions are as follows:

1. While she already has a spouse lined up, it would be nice to have some insight into their future especially when her future spouse has some less than favorable traits. Will he be a good addition to the challenge(namely as a spouse and father)?
2. While the most logical choice for Lucina is to go into Athletics, is this the right choice or should she branch out and do something different?
3. Will Lucina have a difficult tenure as heiress?

[mod="Livvielove"]Why hello Lucina! You're quite beautiful! I'm so pleased to meet you! Let's have a look at her future, shall we?
1) Ah, young love... love is such a difficult thing to master - as even those with "less than favorable traits" bring something bigger to the grand scheme of things. It's hard for me to know how this spouse will do in the family, but Lucina always has options. Sometimes love doesn't work on the first go... sometimes it does. Love takes effort and patience, and should one lack for that, then maybe they should seek something greater beyond them. However from what I see... I'm hopeful for what this spouse might bring.
2) Logical is not always logical, you know. They say variety is the spice of life, but some prefer their life without any spice whatsoever. How does Lucina feel? Does one really want to devote their entire life to one field? Or should she branch out? Well it depends on her passions. I'm always of the mind that one should have many paths in life, but above all else, one should be happy. If athletics makes her happy, then that's what she should pursue!
3) Of course she will, but it will be very rewarding too. With great power comes great responsibility; and with big titles comes big choices. Some more unfair than others - that is the life of someone chosen and titled. Despite this, difficult does not mean bad. Difficult is a word without a connotation in my mind - the connotation is implied when someone uses the word. Is it a challenge, or is it a chore? That's up to her.
Hope I was able to help some! I look forward to seeing Lucina! And... I hope you know I also have matchmaking services, should this spouse not fully work out for her... but I think they might surprise you.[/mod]
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