Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/28/19)

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Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/28/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm so going to break a few rules and not realize it at the time. But it's here. I'm doin it. So here we go!


Year One:

Autumn- Silver, Hogan, Rauscher, LeTourneau, Lee

Winter- Silver, Hogan, Kauker, LeTourneau, Lee, Winston

Spring- Silver, Hogan, Kauker
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC

Post by MichelleCYoung »

That is a great start! Not so fast that it just becomes boring, but not slow, at all, either.
Chester is a fantastic founder!
"War of the noses" had me laughing so hard!
What fantastic luck he has, too! Digging twice and he gets a treasure chest? Wow!

I don't blame you for calling it done for the week at your first business. I mean, you don't want every sim you move in to have the same job, just becaues they can, right? Let them struggle a bit with something else. Like gardening to get Natural Science... Wait, you need a degree for that. FIshing so they can get Oceanography, or just opening their own business, and not worrying about a career. If you have Freetime, the Lifetime happiness works just as well as a LTW.
Better, sometimes, because there is no way in hell I'll ever do the "Raise 20 puppies or kittens" LTW. What were they smoking when they came up with that one?

I really like your default replacements! Your sims are lovely, and I don't recognize all the townies right away, thanks to new clothes, hairstyles, skin tones, etc. Just teh basic facial structure, and that could happen with new townies, anyway. So, introductions still needed. And I don't blame you for forgetting their names, either. They'll become more memorable as you play them.
What a good start. Now I'm not actually sure about your points and all at the end of the chapter, because I don't feel up to reading the rules again just to verify. I have made it a rule not to nitpick other people's games, anyway, and I almost never play for points, myself. Although, technically, a BACC has no points, just requirements to meet. Anyway, looks good to me!
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC

Post by Lorinsv »

Nice start! I like moving in townies to grow the population. In my mind, if they're around, may as well get them moved into their own places have them count!
I was also new to playing businesses when I started my BaCC. Venues are easy but take a lonnnng time to grow for the first few levels. Thankfully, they really pick up at the end. Stores are quicker and more fun IMO.

Anyway, you're doing good, and Chester is a fun founder! Good job on his house too. Looking forward to the next update :)
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC

Post by Pony »

Yay another BaCC
I love Chester as a founder. Venues are fun if a little slow growing, but it's a prefect way to give a town a jump start. Can't wait for more.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/9/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

I return with an update with the Hogans! Murphy's Law is a cruel mistress. Also thanks for all the lovely comments so far, if you'd like me to townify your simselves into Nova Hollow, let me know!
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/9/19)

Post by simsterlyrock »

Yay, another BACC!! I was always a sucker for moving in the townies and moving them right back out to make their own households. Maybe I'll start a brand new BACC (again) and do more townie move ins...
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/9/19)

Post by Lorinsv »

Yay, update! WTG Andrea! Sometimes Sims unexpectedly win you over. I like seeing your EAxis townie households. I chose to forego them in Mesa Vista, except for the AL social townies, and I kinda miss having them (the females mostly), although not all of them.
Eeks, triplets? That'll keep you on your toes :D Good job on the store, and just what a new town needs.
I'm enjoying your BaCC :)
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/9/19)

Post by Pony »

Yay an update!
I love that you're moving in townies, and Remington!!!1 I luffs Remington. He is gonna be a good stepdad. Triplets are a pain, but a great population boom for a BaCC and not to mention cute :D
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/10/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

Another update, wow I'm churning these out quickly... watch that slow to a crawl soon... but anyway, go check it out! But uh, beware the wrath of Chester. This chapter gets creepy.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/10/19)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Hogan 1
I am SO glad you didn't nuke all your townies. I've always rather liked Andrea Hogan. I love her meta-ness here, too.

Wow! She's a good business operator. Even though she's not a "merchant wanna have 5 top-level businesses," she's got it going on.
Good for finding one of the few hard workers, too. You gonna move him in, or keep him non-playable as the Eternal Cashier Of Competence? That's what I'd, do, frankly. He's too good to waste on having to control him every minute. Although, I do find it interesting having my playables actually go off to work at someone else's business. They have a regular schedule, and no real pressure to study skills at home to boost their job, because they'll get all that at work, anyway. But then again, whenever they DO gain skills, just randomly living their lives, they can demand higher wages from their business employer (or quit and move onto something else, leaving the business owner stuck having to find a new employee for that slot, who may not be as good. So, yeah, it's fun!

Also, I HIGHLY recommend Paladin's Place (Simwardrobe) for his business tools, such as the time clock, which allows you to automatically pay your employees fairly, even when they gain skills and talents, without you having to micromanage. I've had cashiers level up, but the line just kept coming, and they WOULD NOT break off long enough for my manager to give them a raise, and then they quit in disgust at being underpaid. If I'm not using the time clock, I tend to just set them all to Overpaid at the start of the shift, so that if/when they level up that day, they're probably at fairly paid. Probably. Depending on what they level up and how much.

Anyway. Hey, how is she getting different outfits? She can't buy them from herself, can she? Has she taken up sewing?

TRIPLETS! BWAAHAHAHAHAAAA! It's a good thing she has so much money, because that little house is not going to be enough.

Ah, Remington, the manmaid family sim. Good choice!

Oh, my friggin PlumBob, those babies are SO CUTE!

Yep, good choice with Andrea! Don't forget to get that dance club next season!

Rauscher 1
I also like Marie Rauscher.

Aren't fortune sims wonderful for BACC's? And she's gonna get you a shopping district, isn't she?

Earn stars and aspiration at the same time! I love dating on a business lot.

Yeah, a pottery store! Sims need decoration, and really, a retail markup is the only way to make pottery, toy-making, flower-making, sewing, or robotery actually profitable. Well, I mean, you get a SMALL profit. But profitable to make it worthwhile as more than a hobby, or an "I want this specific thing in my house"? Naaah. Gotta get the retail mark-up.

That is an adorable dress! I'd wear it, too. Where'd you find it?

A bolt of chemistry without turn-ons? What would it be like WITH matching turn-ons? Four? Yeah, you should marry him and change the turn-ons, or the sims to match the turn-ons. Mirrors are wonderful things, and don't change the genetics, either. But that's just my opinion. I like Dorian.

Oh, um. Ooops. You know, you can close the business, shoo everyone out, and then invite Dorian over, right?

Did he really crank call you? I didn't know that could happen.

:celebration: :rofl: :party: :woot: :#1: I'm so proud of you! :toast:

Of course it's not cheating. I've seen lots of community bulletin boards with odd jobs and recruitment posters at grocery stores. Salons, too.

Hey, two bolts is nothing to sneeze at. As long as you roll each other's wants, that's really all you need, right?

"I never understood why people killed each other. Then I got cheated on." Yeah, I don't think John Mulaney is a Romance sim.

They are so cute together!

YAY, Dorian! And a lot of skills, too? Yay, he can succeed in whatever job he takes (Music?). Or, he could focus on so many businesses, CAS points and move-in friends that he single-handedly builds up the population to create a school! Yeah!

Another crank call!

Outgoing sims... Yeah, they don't always need to be greeted. Chester on free will, and angry. Oh, boy.

Oh, wow. She's sitting on the couch, with the stalker behind her. It's RIGHT out of a horror film!

"Toy"?! And he's "discreet"? Riiiight. At least he added "mostly" to that.

Wait, what?

Wow. Just wow. You know, the "fight or flight" response that people talk about? It's actually FIVE options: fight, flight, freeze, flop, and friend. But since most adult males choose one of the first two, and the last three are usually chosen by women, children, and animals (deer, bunnies, etc.), for a long time, psychologists didn't even recognize them, or at least they refused to name them. Friend. She totally friended herself out of that situation. Marie is AWESOME.

Yaaaay! Dorian gets to be the first alien-baby-daddy of the town. Huzzah!

OK, Chester is a weirdo. I love him.

Yeah, make it a Dorian Pollack painting.

Dorian is great!

OK, I LOVE the defaults in your game!

Masterpiece. Yeah. There's no accounting for taste, but if the critic says it's worth that much, then yay.

"Creator, shush!" She still might want to give birth to a child, but then again she might not. You know, with SimBlender, you can "legally adopt" your step-children. For those "marry off six children" or "have six grandchildren" wants.

He may be a drama king, but to be fair, his body is not designed for this.

SQEEEEEE! She's so cute!


Congratulations! No, it's not too confusing.

Congratulations! She's well on the way to making her LTW.

Rachel is gorgeous. Although, sadly, I couldn't see her personality. Another mean sim, though?

And Dorian is a tub pirate! Gotta love him.

$5000 taxes? That's great for the first week! You are really doing well at this.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/10/19)

Post by Pony »

OMG Chester! Chill out man. :lol: I love the game's random coding. He hates her, then he loves her. I wonder if he's taking apart flowers in a dark room somewhere. I love that dress too. So bright and pretty. I don't think I've ever used Marie or Dorian, it's so cute to see them together.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/10/19)

Post by simsterlyrock »

Chester. Dude. Calm down. You're the Romance sim who went on dates with multiple women and moved them all in. :lol:
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/10/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

Oops, Michelle, you caught me. At least for Andrea I totally used ChristianLov's clothing rack to buy her clothes. Since she was already running her own shop, I toed the line of it being legal. Now since we have a shopping mart and a clothing store tho, I won't need to use it anymore, so I'm booting it out the door. It served its purpose I JUST WANTED MY SIMS TO BE CUTE.

I'm glad you're all enjoying this so far, this is probably my favorite challenge to date, probably because it's forcing me to try new things in Sims 2!

Also Chester will never chill. Although I do have plans to maybe help mellow his stupid butt out...
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

Updated, we're now with Brandi LeTourneau! Something about the dance studio makes all my sims a bit flirty...
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by Pony »

Robi and Brandi sitting in a tree....I always mean to marry in Robi, but never get around to it. He's the best. I see Chester's still at it. He cracks me up lol
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Just binged the whole Autumn season.
Wow geez Chester you need to chill out dude. And I mean...yeah super creeper you've got there.
It's so cool seeing some of these lesser known townies and such popping up.
Congrats on your first Level 10 business. I used to struggle with those too...still kind of do.
Cute babies all around...still giggling at the triplets. Poor Andrea..and you.
Looking forward to more.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by Jenn »

I just binged the whole thing. Great start. And man, Chester is creepy, but still cool!
Omg Triplets. Poor both of you.
I don't normally play the townies (until recently) so it is really cool seeing them in your game.
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

"Oops, Michelle, you caught me. At least for Andrea I totally used ChristianLov's clothing rack to buy her clothes. Since she was already running her own shop, I toed the line of it being legal. Now since we have a shopping mart and a clothing store tho, I won't need to use it anymore, so I'm booting it out the door. It served its purpose I JUST WANTED MY SIMS TO BE CUTE."

That makes perfect sense. But you didn't answer my question. Where did you get that dress? I have spent THREE DAYS downloading, and I still haven't found that dress!

Reading the latest chapter now.
Yay! Another playable townie.

Dance studios are cool. It certainly *can* be boring building up a venue, but with Chester on the lot, not so much.

"Don't throw around words like apocalypse here please." HAHAHHAHA! You know, it's possible to have an apocalypse just one a single lot in a neighborhood, with the weather controller. Just sayin'.

Stealing the crystal ball? I hope the matchmaker has a spare.

PS. Robi makes beautiful babies.

He'll top it soon, and then Brandi can follow. And in the meantime, while she's not working...

Alright! Where did you get that cute polka-dot bedding? WAAAANT! Oh, yeah, and congrats on the wedding and stuff. SO CUTE!

"I'm sensing some sass." Heehee!

"You'll no longer go to work pregnant." HAHAHAHAHAAAA! You can do sass, too!

Awww, Levi LeTourneau. Good name. Wow, that personality, though. I mean, yay, best friend ever, if you can get him up to do anything fun, ever. Learning to talk, though? Yeah, that's right up his alley.
Great chapter!
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/13/19)

Post by simsterlyrock »

Brandi was always one of my favorite townies, so I'm excited to see her living in Nova Hollow. :) Luckily her life seems to be off to a great start!!
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Re: Nova Hollow, a BaCC (UPDATED 3/14/19)

Post by theoddcatlady »

Boop, the first season is done! And I'm so sorry Michelle I legitly do not remember where I got that awesome dress. When I download cc it's like I black out and then wake up to like a hundred new outfits with no memory of where they came from... I'll look for it tho!
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