The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 3/27

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The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 3/27

Post by mysterymusic7 »

So my laptop of 10 years finally died. Yep, completely died right as Christmas break started. Therefore, I was unable to back my sims from Avonlea up in a format that could be downloaded and used on my Mac. Basically that means just as I was getting ready to start generation three, the RKC died. Yeah, I was and am still pretty devastated. However, I'm determined to finish one of these Royal Kingdom Challenges. So I'm trying this again. Welcome to Celestia folks. I hope you and I enjoy visiting the sims in this little kingdom. Because like I said I really do love this challenge and would love to actually finish one.

Let's get this show on the road eh?

Generation 1:
Chapter 1: The Nugen Family (Peasant Class)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Generation 2:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Generation 3:
Chapter 13: Merchants
Chapter 14-Royal Family
Chapter 15: Myshuno!
Chapter 16
Last edited by mysterymusic7 on March 27th, 2019, 8:11 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oh, man, three generations in. That totally sucks, Mystery!

Good luck with this new one. I see you're going for a completely different style, which is cool. Variety is fun. It looks like it's going well.
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge

Post by Ani-Mei »

Ah, the death of an RKC hood, I know it well...
Just a small nitpick though; when listing the family name you don't put an apostrophe after the last letter and before the S. That makes it possessive and not plural which is what is required. So list it like the Nugens, not the Nugen's. And when there is more than one and you are listing it as possessive the apostrophe goes after the S not before it. Like so: the Nugens' family lot. Sorry about the nitpicking but it's always bugged me when it's used the wrong way. Anyway, making regular back ups and copies is a habit to start when it gets bigger than one or two generations. :yes:
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge (Sept

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Wow, I'd forgotten about this since I last read it, and there's so much to catch up on! I like where you're going with this. I love the rule that a woman may marry any class, and that the matches are made by the elder women. COOL!

Also, your sims and lots are gorgeous! Where do you get your CC?

Very fun read. I look forward to more!
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 9/3/18

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Well Michelle you did it, you got me to boot up my Sims 2 RKC again for the first time in nearly a year. So there's that update you asked for, since you asked nicely. :diablo:
As for my CC: I get it from a lot of different places. The Medieval Smithy is one of them, and Mod the Sims, I can't remember where else. I've got a few bad pieces of cc though, and i can't seem to find them which is annoying. So currently if I click the wrong tab the game crashes. Yeah I need to work on organization.

Well everyone enjoy an update!
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 9/3/18

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oh, mystery, that recap chapter legit made me cackle! Several times! I don't remember why, because my memory for specifics seems to be as bad as yours, but yeah, I laughed out loud a lot!

Oh, I do remember, -
the Nugent boy needs to place some lady-bug houses, STAT!

Also, Lamplight genetics - the eyes! Yeah.
Thanks for the update! It's so good to see this is still happening.

:bounce: I get to be a Duchess! Wooot! And I do get to smite them, right? You said I could, right? I did remember that right, didn't I? :mrgreen:
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 9/3/18

Post by mysterymusic7 »

yeah that's one of the things that's glitched. I can't hit the garden section right now. I'd have to go in and remove the cc folder.
Speaking of that I may have to do it anyway. My CC clothes aren't showing up in the buy catalog right now for some stupid reason. Grrr.
Yes, the genetics in that family...LOL

ahem yes I did say you could smite them if you feel they REALLY need it. At least the ones in Moon Islands. Do let me know if anyone is troubling you lovely. ;)
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 11/24

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oof! I missed four updates! Well, I'm all caught up, now. So many people to remember, and it does get confusing, sometimes, but I do love to read about them all.
Oh, no! The fire! That's horrible! You must have been so shocked, you forgot to take pics! Still, it makes for more drama, and our sims' tragedy is our ... comedy? Or just more tragedy? Well, drama, at any rate.

I like the dress you chose for me. Very classy. It's cool seeing me popping up places. Now just be sure to teleport me in, if there's any smiting to do. On purpose, not accidental, like the fire.

WOW! Celestia is really growing! And can you really sell your fish to one person, just so they can sell it at their own business? How do you do that? Granted, there are mods for so many things, it's probably one of them. Hope it doesn't make things too glitchy for you.

Those kids are growing up really good-looking. I'm a bit ticked off at Marcus, and feeling sorry for James. But at least they have some sort of a relationship, now. And James can improve his life. As an adult, at least, he will be able to take any job open to him, and who knows? He might be Celestia's next magnate. He certainly has reason to. Also, MARCUSSS!!! Can I smite him? Probably not. He's not in my territory, is he. Bleh. I don't like deadbeat dads. Lack of ambition, I can accept, and even applaud in the right circumstance (such as in a succession battle, if one just says, "Eh, not for me. It's all yours," that's a thing I can totally accept. But deadbeat dadness? NOPE! You don't have to be ambitious to be at least minimally responsible.

Can't wait to see more!
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 2/10

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Michelle: Thanks so much for continuing to read my little Sims 2 Baby. I really appreciate you leaving a comment each time, and hey it's alright if you're reading the chapters in chunks. Just glad to know someone out there is enjoying this other than me. Yes, good for drama, kind of pain in the butt for me though. And yeah, Marcus...well technically he's not horrid I guess...he's just well we'll see.

Oh and Update!
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 2/15

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Just got back online. I LOVE having an internet that works! Huzzah! ANd I just NOW got my PC back, so I'll be catching up on a lot of sims stuff, including getting back int he game and posting, myself.

For now, though, I got caught up with chapters 13 and 14. Wow! Such a lot of stuff going on! It's hard to keep track of it all.
I love seeing the place grow so much, with new people coming in, being born and forming a brand new generation. And all the ins and outs of the relationships. Matthew has always struck me as a good guy. I'm glad he's getting such happiness. He's a good father (so far - we'll see how he reacts when they are teens, right?).
Chapter 14 - Wow! That's quite a lot of wooing going on, and trying to find the right match is a big deal. It really does hurt when it's one-sided, doesn't it? Oh, and that nagging doubt? Whaaaaa??? OK, now I have to know what's going to happen next!
Lovely chappies!
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Re: The Kingdom of Celestia a Royal Kingdom Challenge 3/15

Post by mysterymusic7 »


Just noticed you commented Michelle. /shifty
Yeah the kingdom's growing.../shifty eyes.
Lots of wooing...well let's just say with the misgivings only Beatrice was rolling the want to get engaged/married. Right until the last second Simon was rolling a fear of marriage...I was sure he was gonna drop with insanity...but we dodged a bullet. For now..I mean if he goes crazy...
Anyway thanks for reading..
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