The Reapers Legacy - 1.05 (4/19/19)

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The Reapers Legacy - 1.05 (4/19/19)

Post by Livvielove »

Image Author's Commentary:
Hello, readers!
The Reapers Legacy (formerly known as The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment) has a predecessor on another forum that was the first legacy I ever completed. Halfway through this legacy is when I started finding the foundation for what would turn into Atalan, the world which I have built all my stories in. Several years - and many plots scrapped - later I would reboot the legacy as the Reapers Legacy... which is... where you are right this very moment! Funny how that works, no?
This story is a serious story that touches on many dark topics and I advise all my readers to please read the disclaimer for further details before proceeding. This is a story told with The Sims, and not a Sims-Story. While I have a few Sims-Stories anything taking place in the world of Atalan will not be among those. My goal here is to entertain like reading a novel with pictures to go alongside it. While this story will function as a normal legacy (going 10 generations) it's mostly telling the story of the Reaper family OVER those 10 generations.
You know, blah-blah, not about the destination but the journey, or some other enlightening phrase here.
My stories are generally not recommended for children, but while I say my stories are dark that doesn't mean that I won't put up trigger warnings when approaching particularly sensitive topics.
I'd love to hear any thoughts on my stories, and if you like this one, please check out my other ones listed below (or in my signature)!
Lots of love,

[The Book of Atalan]|[The Reaper Family Tree]

Please take caution when looking at the Book of Atalan and the Family Tree. There are spoilers there.
The above links include: the (still-being built) glossary of terms and people of Atalan the World (including the gods, the magic types... basically it's our wikipedia) as well as the family tree.

Other Stories in Atalan:
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The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment: Chapters

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The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment: Chronicles

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Reaper Chronicles

Keeper Chronicles

Misc. Chronicles
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment

Post by Livvielove »

Hey everyone! Any old chapters you see before 5/2018 (May 2018) are no longer accessable! This is due to the reboot of this story, read more about that HERE! I'm sorry for any confusion! :heart: :bounce: :heart:
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment

Post by Livvielove »

“...and you expect me to marry him?”

“‘Here lies the Tragic Clown, buried but not dead. Unwelcome. Unwanted. Unloved.’”

“People will die if I am not taken to Agonin, Phil.”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Commentary -
Hello beautiful people of Boolprop!
What a beautiful way to kick off SimNaWriMo than with an update of my own. This one took a while mostly because the chapter just didn't feel right and I'm a stickler for getting things just so...
Meanwhile, we're introducing some new characters here! Some of my favorites actually. There will be a different language used briefly in this chapter and no, that's not a fluke. No, it's also not a real language. Part of the world that my collaborator and I have created involved creating different cultures and the language spoken in this chapter is a form of Nym - a language used by the Nymphs of the Glades (and a few other places, but usually they have different dialects, though it's similar enough in most cases that any Nymph who knows a variation of Nym can understand a majority of what's being said, the slang however... totally different). There's no warnings on this chapter per-say, however it does detail Olivia's mental state as she suffers a traumatic episode from her PTSD, so there's that.
Due to the SimNaWriMo I won't be able to launch SotN (Song of the Nightingale) like I had hoped to, but it's a blessing in disguise for me as I have way too much building I have to do to get that story in ship-shape. Hopefully soon though!
On to the update!
Agnes 1.08: The Master's Home (unavailable; story rebooted)

"I don't... know if that worked. We should… we should probably try again."

"Sheeeeeeoooooo! You're not listening to me, are you?"

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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment

Post by Livvielove »

Chapter 1.09 is up and ready to roll!

Author's Commentary-
Update 2 for SimNaWriMo 2016! Super exciting! Got a lot of pictures of my favorite, pancake-smashing bugger! Keepers are up in full swing (almost)... and the blog is slowly getting into better shape! All-in-all, been a productive few days! No warnings on this chapter that I'm aware of, just a wee bit of mush and happiness - so sue me. :roll:
Word Count: 4325
Picture Count: 60
Agnes 1.09: A Two-Sided Offer(unavailable; story rebooted)

This is Nightingale. I need help. Someone is missing.

“I ask no price. Not now, at least.”

“Because it seems you’re missing something else... Someone else.”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/5/16)

Post by Livvielove »

1.10! Woohoo!
Author's Commentary-
Phew, ok, so I spent a solid twelve hours getting pictures for this chapter alone. I swear I got done taking the pictures and I thought "what the hell took me so long?" and then I saw 216 pictures.
That explains a lot. Needless to say this chapter was a lot of fun to write, though it took me forever to gather all the screenshots on my day off.
Guess that means I'll be avoiding sleep to make up all that time I wasn't doing homework. Whoops.
Anyways, no warnings on this chapter save for this one: Mania is my spirit animal.
Word Count: 6991
Picture Count: 127
Agnes 1.10: The Miserable Sod(unavailable; story rebooted)

“You can convince someone-”
“That you’ve been in love with and married them?”

“Evidently not. If I had my way I would be Humphrey Ridiculous Tremere.”

“My son would never return without his wife.”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by Livvielove »

1.11! Finally making progress in the first generation!

Author's Commentary-
So it took me 4 hours to find Sam Rice's scars again. Maker have mercy on my soul I was about ready to put a warning up that I would have to substitute out his scars, but no. I am forever determined. I may not do my screenshots 100% perfectly, but I like to get as close as humanly possible! Which probably isn't healthy, but... eh, I've stopped caring about that. This is update number 4 for SimNaWriMo! :bounce:
I'm super psyched! Meanwhile I should add a minor warning that this chapter has some stronger language than usual. I hope to not offend anyone, but it's there and I thought I would drop the warning in. Also, this starts to dig more into the racism against Nymphs, so to those who are sensitive to that should also probably be weary. I likely won't warn people every time this happens, but because this is the first time I'm really digging into it (save for side-mentions) I decided it would be worthwhile to let people know.
Yes! There are races in the world of Atalan, this also means there are race-ists, unfortunately.
Anyways thank you all for being super awesome!
Word Count: 4199
Picture Count: 88

Agnes 1.11: What Next?(unavailable; story rebooted)

“Lovely Damiana, I’m home!”

“I’m done practicing magic for today. I’ve decided. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

“I’ve been gone a few days and you BLEW UP THE MADHOUSE?”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by lumasong »

Okay! I finally found some time to dig in a little (I should be playing my own legacy, actually, but whatever). I've only read the first chapter so far, though.
Regardless, I did enjoy the first chapter! Olivia looks great for such an ethereal sim, and Agnes doesn't look happy. I never plot things out like this so it's very interesting to me! (okay, I did it ONCE, but I never published it :3). All the gods are a little confusing at the moment, but I'm sure I'll figure it all out - I bet it confuses Agnes too. Even though I knew she'd agree, I was still a little tense at the knocking on the door. Great writing, and I look forward to reading more! I'll try to read the second chapter after I get my next update out!
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Aw! Hey there, Luma! I'm so glad you could take some time to read this!
I love Agnes so much! Don't worry the story moves very slowly and the important gods will reveal themselves through repetition... because, let's be honest. 18 gods is a lot to remember otherwise. The important ones for this story is the God of Magic and Madness (Insanity), the God of Death, and... for where you are... the God of the NIght and Darkness.
The God of Magic and Madness should be fairly easy to remember as he's that guy! :arrow: (My picture).
I've also been trying to keep a "Characters" page for important characters you'll see a lot of for those who don't have the best memories with those things (it's mostly spoiler free!).
Funnily enough, Olivia was me at the very beginning of my original when I was just doing a doofy, funny, light-hearted legacy... so when I went to do the rewrite I didn't want to change things so much, so I kept her, but she's a totally different person from me by this point, and now I just feel odd that we share a name...
Anyways! I'm just excited! This story is my baby, so I always get excited to talk about it with people... don't mind me. XD
Meanwhile, you get to meet one of my all-time-favorite characters in the next chapter - Esmerelda.
I really appreciate you reading and telling me what you think! I'm always looking for feedback, so please let me know if anything is too confusing or hard to follow. It's how I'll improve my storytelling!
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by lumasong »

You seem to be pacing things well! And I love the guy in your picture <3 I can't wait to meet him. I always thing I should have a Sim for my picture, but I don't know who I'd use. So I just use a drawing of my World of Warcraft character whose name I took (Lulu/Lumas!)
I wondered if Olivia was a simself, but it's cool to see you spin her away from that!

Chapter 2! Poor Olivia and scary shadow women! But Esmeralda's so pretty, and such a lovely name! And I don't know, Agnes, but a pretty white airy building where time doesn't pass sounds okay to me ^.^ The shadow women have a lovely design, I really enjoyed them.

I'm glad I can find the time to read your stuff (even if slowly). I appreciate your feedback so much I want to return the favor. Eventually I will catch up!
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Hello again! I always love comments, I swear, and I talk too much in them!
Thank you so much for reading through my story! I know it's a bit of a chunk, but I have a blast writing it. :bounce:
I try to pace things very well. I'm on chapter 12 currently and my founder hasn't even gotten married yet, for what it's worth. I'm mostly trying to tell a story rather than pass on different generations, so each generation will have their own plot and all kinds of goodies, however there will be some overarching plots too. It's mostly just for fun for me, and I really enjoy writing like this.
Majnun is a special case... he's basically my other half, despite having a few screws loose. All my author's notes have his... wonderful... thoughts on most matters (when he's not totally hijacking everything). I love your avatar! I was never big into WoW, but I did play it for a time. I was mostly too cheap... :roll:
I feel so awkward about the simself bit, I do, mostly because it seems so vain now to have her in the story, but it wasn't an intentional thing. I was just trying to keep the story intact when I rewrote it and... she was crucial. I suppose I could've changed her appearance more, but I had already shown her that way by the time I had really thought about it... but... eh. She really doesn't look much like me anymore due to my hair and face changing over time.
Anyways, Esmerelda always has a special place in my heart, and Olivia... the poor dear. What she does for her project always amazes me.
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by RavenAngel888 »

I'm so stoked to see The Reapers up and running :grin: :spin: hi Liv :waves:

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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by Livvielove »

RavenAngel888 wrote:I'm so stoked to see The Reapers up and running :grin: :spin: hi Liv :waves:

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The Reapers are up and running!
Song of the Nightingale is up and running!
All I need to do is get Factions up and running and all will be well!

Oh! Did you see! I finished Light the Way today (pats on back) I'm all caught up now!
Now I guess I have no excuse. I need to write my chapters now. :roll:
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by RavenAngel888 »

Lol Hiiiii Liv! :wave:

Yeah, I saw! Isn't it like the most amazing story ever! James :grin: :spin: and Cain too!

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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (10/14/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Chapter 1.12 to finish up SimNaWriMo 2016!
Four updates, totalling:
Word Count: 21,362
Picture Count: 321

Author's Commentary -
This chapter took a while because I had to make a lot of the poses I ended up using. It was a challenge and a lot of fun for me. I also put this chapter to the side in order to launch Song of the Nightingale, my love story that takes place in the same world as the Reapers, just a hundred or so years prior (and leading into it). SotN follows Quinn and Esmerelda. Either way, it made for a busy and interesting week!
As for this chapter, this required a bit of building and I'm just excited to introduce one of my favorite characters at the very end. Oh! I can't wait!
Here we go!
No warnings on this one.
Word Count: 5871
Picture Count: 69
Agnes 1.12: The Haunted House(unavailable; story rebooted)

"Then we can help as many people as we can."

"Come on, Lamb! It’s just for the afternoon. It’ll be fun!"

"Agnes? Lamb!"
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (11/21/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Commentary-
Hello everyone! I'm a day behind in getting this up (whoops), but better late than never! This chapter really kicked my butt getting it up, and I'm still learning how to make poses and edit images, so it's a bit rough around the edges! There's a slight warning at the mention of sexual assault in this chapter. It's really brief and vague of a mention, but I like to offer a word of warning to those who are sensitive to that.
In the meantime, I'm working on the first Chronicles! Squeee! I'm excited! Please, if you could, please go here and vote on the poll there in regards to the first chronicles! It would mean a lot to me and I really want to know what you all prefer to read!
Anywho, let's see this next chapter.
Agnes 1.13: Heart of a Bear(unavailable; story rebooted)

“He’s special. I can tell.”

“What are you doing after this whole… you know… war business is over?”

“Someone’s going to be injured.”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (12/16/16)

Post by Livvielove »

Author's Commentary-
Ok, so this chapter was huge, hence why it took me so long. This chapter is 16 single-spaced pages long on my google-doc and 180 pictures long with at least 60 of them being deeply hand-edited. I put so much time and effort into this chapter with 80+ poses I made and hours upon hours of editing and tweaking. Love and feedback would be greatly appreciated. This is the war chapter I've been foreshadowing for several chapters now.
That being said:
This chapter contains blood, violence, minor depictions of child abuse, and gore. This chapter is long and detailed, split into 10 parts of 10 different perspectives and their view on the War of the Land of the Dead

That being said, I hope you enjoy!
Agnes 1.14: Into the Darkness(unavailable; story rebooted)


That was when the attack began.

“This is for my son.”
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Re: The Reapers Genetic Legacy Experiment - (12/16/16)

Post by RavenAngel888 »

I neeeeeeddddddd moooooooaaaaaarrrrrrrr Livvvvvvvvvviiiiiieeeeee!!! Lol oh and Merry Christmas :grin: :spin: how dare you take time off from The Reaper's to celebrate with your family :tongue:

Lol love you always :hug:

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