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Greyheart Project - Wonderchild Challenge (6/1/2015)

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 11:33 am
by lindiedb
I stumbled onto the Wonder Child Challenge. The objective of the game is the spoil the first child of the second generation something rotten, catering to each of his/her wants and pushing the little snot to achieve all the things. As this challenge is only 2 generations long, I expect that it'll only span around 3-5 updates.

Content warnings: Potential swearing and off colour jokes. Also fairly large pictures, and the use of British spelling


Part 1 - Meeting the Parents: Kroomart and Lair Greyheart
Part 2 - Meeting the Wonder Child: Ikore Greyheart

Re: Greyheart Project - Wonderchild Challenge (6/1/2015)

Posted: May 4th, 2015, 4:56 pm
by Teresa
This is one challenge I can definitely try.
F*ck you game, I delete you
:fight: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am starting the parents tonight. :)