Well, it's been over a year in the making, but here we are. Song of the Nightingale is a love story I've been working on for ages. It's a stand-alone story, but it does go hand-in-hand with my other stories (Where the Willow Walks; Faction of the Lost Ones; The Reapers Legacy) as it's in the same world and the characters can be seen moving fluidly between the stories. Alas, it's not required to read all of them to understand what's going on. The story revolves around two main characters: Quinn Flanagan, the sassy Priest of the God of Magic and Madness, and Esmerelda Darko, a powerful Siren on the run from the Goddess of the Sea.
I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do!
Golden Plumbob Winner: Best Non-Challenge Story 2017!
"Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me, I know you're there.
You could be my sanity,
bring me peace,
sing me to sleep.
Say you'll be my nightingale?"
Preface: Author's Note
Prologue: Frozen in Time
Act One: The Lost Chapters
One: A Symbol of Freedom
Two: The Night Has Just Begun
Three: A Dangerous Game
Four: Behind the Mask
Five: Soulmates
Six: A Meeting in Chaos
Seven: A Dance in the Rain
Eight: Ezekiel's Wife
Nine: Purpose
Ten: The Secret
Eleven: An Unexpected Deal
Twelve: What's Meant to Be
Thirteen: Ditto
Fourteen: My Name is Quinn
Fifteen: Thanks For Being You
Sixteen: Taking Risks
Seventeen: Little Fish and the Conch Shell
Eighteen, One: Playing Pretend Never Lasts
Eighteen, Two: In This Life and the Next